Friday, 18 July 2014

pointer (bosaaannnn)

'ilmu bukan pada pointer.' senang ckp, kena kt batang hidung niri, baru terkapai2.

isu hangat mlm ini, pointer! everyone got their results. i got mine which is quite bad. no, it is really bad. haha. as always, i played too much in the last sem, so, this what i got. but, still, alhamdulillah. alhamdullilah for not repeating the hell life there. alhamduillah at least i am graduating. alhamdulillah.

the thing that irritates me most when i scroll down facebook is their status. "bye bye ptpn " or "alhamdulillah, first class degree" means that you got the scholarship, you got first class degree, congratz! but, honestly, you dont havr to put it on your status... there might be other people who were more unfortunate than you. whta do you think they will feel?? be considerate to other people laa kawan.... not all got like what you got... ye....rezeki mmg masing2, tp xperlu lah kot nk bgtau satu dunia kau dpt hebat... sbb tu la org kata fb ni bwk msalah hati. hati rosak.

some of my friends put on their status about the four years hardship been paid and everything. there's nothing wrong with that. just  it get me thinking about it. people feel that their hardworks hve been paid off. their struggle. they really work hard, isnt it??
i didnt even work hard on it. i didnt even feel i've ever struggle. shame on me, kan?

but seriously, btol la ilmu bukan pada pointer. apa yg nk disampaikan adalah, pointer ka result ka xmenentukan apa2. knowledge yg penting. ilmu, xkisah la agama ka kifayah ka. ustazah fatimah slalu ckp, lagi belajar lagi bodoh.  ilmu xkan penah cukup. n pointer bukan indicatornya...

1 comment:

  1. :)

    its ok dear .
    next time make sure try the best . biaq puah hati :) ..

    semoga ALLAH redha setiap satunya .
    pray the best for u .. :)
